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Fix bugs faster & reduce support tickets

UXCam makes technical issues visible and actionable for product, engineering and support teams.

  • Autocapture crashes, UI freezes and handled exceptions.
  • Monitor app performance with issue reports & alerts.
  • Watch full video replays and view detailed issue logs.
Solution Resolve Issues Hero

Speed up debugging & improve customer experience.


Resolve Issues Feature Image - Find


Catch issues faster

UXCam auto-captures issues like crashes, UI freezes and even handled exceptions. Integrate with Firebase, Salesforce, Zendesk, or Intercom, and save time on identifying the root cause of issues.

Resolve Issues Feature Image - Understand


See what really happened

No need to spend days on replicating the problem. Watch session replays of any technical issue. Save time on simulations, and follow up interviews with users.

Resolve Issues Feature Image - Solve


Tech logs are just a click away

Access errors, warnings and other technical details directly from a session. Make your developers happy, and provide key details from the get go.

Resolve Issues Feature Image - Monitor


Make it a continuous process

Get alerted as problems occur. Set up your dashboards to monitor the performance and stability after every new version release.

Getting started is easy.


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Users love us

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If something goes wrong within the app, UXCam is the first port of call to understand what's going on. It is an integral part of our launch and live ops strategy.

daniel tomilnson costa coffee

Daniel Tomlinson

Senior Analytics Manager, Costa coffee

Costa coffee background
costa coffee new - white

Thanks to UXCam, we had a real light-bulb moment that led us to the key bottleneck where users struggled the most.

Gaurav Jain New

Gaurav Jain

Lead Product Manager, background logo
PlaceMakers logo dark

UXCam helped us to find a hidden flaw with one of our new features. Within three days, we ran an experiment with a revamped design. The updates helped us double our sales after the release.

Blake Johnson

Blake Johnson

Product Owner, Placemakers

Placemakers background
PlaceMakers logo dark

Built for mobile app performance

  • icon SDK

    Battle-tested SDK

    UXCam's lightweight SDK ensures smooth app performance. Video recordings are done on a background thread to maintain responsiveness. Data is uploaded when the app goes into the background.

  • icon security

    Privacy compliant

    Our legally compliant architecture keeps your data safe. We automatically block sensitive fields and provide you with the right tools to prevent sensitive data from ever leaving your user's device.

  • icon integration

    Easy integrations

    You can seamlessly integrate your existing analytics tools with UXCam. This allows you to build the perfect analytics stack for understanding user behavior by connecting the right set of solutions.

  • Logo SOC2
  • Logo PCI SML
  • Logo GDPR
  • Logo CCPA
  • Logo HIPAA

Ready to get started?

Trusted by the largest mobile brands worldwide in over 37,000 apps.


SOC 2 certified

CTA Apps

Installed in 37,000+ apps

CTA Credit card

No credit card required

Grow your app with our guides

App KPI Cheat Sheet E-Book
Pocket guide to app analytics E-Book
Guide to mobile app heatmaps E-Book
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    Logo SOC2

    UXCam has successfully completed a SOC 2 Type 2 examination by Johanson Group.


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